Application for Plot 6 Submitted
Berkeley remain committed to building a sustainable new community at Lombard Square unlocking the sites full potential, reconnecting it to the surrounding Plumstead community. After navigating through detailed design proposals, Berkeley submitted a Section 73 application (Planning Ref : 22/3782/MA) to increase the quantity of homes and therefore maximise the affordable housing provisions. The variation will increase the number of homes by 163 to 1,913 homes across the masterplan.
Berkeley’s joint venture partner, Peabody, fully support the uplift enabling an increased level of affordable housing provisions helping to meet the need and demand for housing in the local and wider Thamesmead area. With quality design at the forefront of decision making, Plot 6 remains sympathetic to the wider masterplan retaining the character of ‘Peabody’s Mansion Block’ with unique architectural characteristics. The increase in the number of homes is contained within the consented parameters and the development will continue to benefit from a variety of amenity offerings in the ground floor commercial units.
The additional landscaping along Nathan Way reflects our commitment to create quality public realm, places with communities and nature at the heart. Following the detailed design, a Reserved Matter Application (Planning Ref : 22/3989/R) was submitted to seek approval for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in respect to Plot 6.
To comment please use the online planning register, providing your name and address, the aforementioned planning application numbers and address of the application site.
We would be very happy to answer any questions you have about our plans. You can get in touch by emailing us at